Empower Life Coaching – FAQs

Posted on October 22nd, 2013 in FAQs

Life coaching FAQ

Q1) In a nutshell, what is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a professional partnership to help you achieve results in your personal and professional life by focusing on awareness, goal setting and action plans to produce sustainable results.

Q2) What is the difference between a Life Coach and a Friend or Family member?

A Life Coach does not bring his own agenda into the conversation. Friends and family can care about you to the extent that they do not want you to make changes to your life that would affect them.  A Life Coach simply believes in your ability to achieve what you want for your life.

Q3) What is the process of Life Coaching like?

Life Coaching begins with an initial meet-up session to assess your current challenges, to define the scope of the coaching partnership and to establish specific desired outcomes.  Subsequent coaching sessions are scheduled 2 to 4 times each month, depending on your preference and the action plan.  Between scheduled coaching sessions, you may be asked to complete specific actions to work towards achieving your goals.

Q4) Why does Empower Coaching insist on a meet-up session instead of a telephone session?

Nothing beats face-to-face interaction.  It makes for a more genuine, trustworthy coaching partnership. At Empower Coaching, we don’t just want to hear what you say but also how you say it and how you react to what you say.  For results, you must be committed to a coaching relationship.  Turning up for a coaching appointment shows your commitment to the coaching partnership.  If you think that meeting up face to face is too time-consuming for you, then perhaps you are not ready yet to turn actions to results.  Come back to us again, when you are ready.  Our doors are always open.

Q5) What if I’m really too busy to attend some of the Coaching appointments?

Minimally, the first session has to be a meet-up session.  We can work out an arrangement to fit in a mixture of face-to-face sessions and telephone sessions.  The last thing we want is you having to simultaneously juggle a telephone coaching session with a budget spreadsheet due the next day.  At Empower Life Coaching, we don’t take the easy way out.

Q6) Where will I go for the meet-up sessions and what time is it usually?

There are a few locations we use.  In general. the meet-up will be in public (for safety considerations), in a carefully chosen pleasant park setting where available, with a focus on privacy, and fresh air. Timing-wise, there is flexibility and we’ll do our best to accommodate your  schedule, subject to our principal coach’s availability.

Q7) How long does Empower Life Coaching work with an individual?

The length of Life Coaching varies depending on your needs and preferences. Typically, for most types of focused coaching, 4 sessions would suffice.  However, some people after experiencing the positive change in their life, want to partner Empower Life Coaching for a longer period. Email and phone support will be provided throughout the duration of the coaching partnership.

Q8) What are the charges like?

The first session is always FREE. Our rates for regular sessions are reasonable and a portion of it goes directly to a charity of your choice. They also vary with the duration of the coaching partnership.  However we do not publish them publicly and will communicate the rates to you.  Each session typically last about an hour.  Any extension beyond that is at the discretion of our Life Coach and will not incur extra charges.

Q9) I’m ready! How do I get started?

Write to us using the online form below.  A FREE Life Coaching will be arranged.  During this face-to-face meet up, you’ll share your situation and what you want to achieve. This will also allow you to assess how comfortable you are with working closely with us.  Once you decide to move forward with us, your personality report sets the foundation for future sessions and kick starts your Life Coaching journey.


At Empower Coaching, we believe that each of our Clients are unique, and responsible people who delight in moving their life forward. Together, we can! 


For a confidential no obligation discussion if you will benefit from coaching, write to us using the form below and click send! We want to understand your challenges better and assess if coaching is for you.


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Alternatively, you may contact us via the following mode:

Call / SMS / Whatsapp: (65) 8332 4283 LINE ID – empower_advisory | Wechat ID: EmpowerAdvisory